Core values

SMRL is committed to maintaining client information confidentiality, accurate calibration, equipment maintenance, impartiality in our work, and fostering talent within our team.


We take client confidentiality very seriously. Confidentiality is implemented in all of our procedures as required by our accreditation and the University of Southern California. All information related to our clients is safeguarded by SMRL’s commitment to confidentiality. We do not disclose any information of our clients without written permission from our clients.


As an accredited testing laboratory, SMRL performs internal calibrations of its scales, displacement sensors and force transducers. A set of reference standards with traceable calibrations to the U.S. National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) are available for mass (from 1 mg to 50 kg), displacement (suite of gage blocks from 0 to 500 mm and a Mitutoyo LH-600EG high accuracy linear height gage with a measurement range of 600 mm and an accuracy of better than 2 µm), and calibration standard load cells from (5 kN to 5,000 kN). The temperature and relative humidity sensors as well as the calibration standards are sent to accredited calibration labs for traceable calibration at regular intervals established by the Laboratory Quality Manual.


All equipment at SMRL are maintained to ensure that they operate at top performance.


We conduct tests according to the standards and report test results objectively, without any subjective inferences.


We have a highly skilled team, including engineers with PhD degrees and extensive experience in standard laboratory testing as well as research, who can provide very competent consultancy services to our clients.