Data acquisition systems, sensors and other mobile devices
The Laboratory is also equipped with a wide range of instrumentation and supplemental equipment for measurements of load, deflection and strain. A data acquisition system is available with a total of 128 channels, which are capable of parallel, dynamic measurement. The lab also houses a complete suite of displacement and load measurement transducers including LVDT’s, potentiometers, string potentiometers, and load cells. In addition, the following devices are available for a variety of measurements.

SMRL also houses two state-of-the-art non-contact measurement systems that can be used both for materials and structural testing.
- An MTS laser extensometer (LX 1500) with a measurement range of 8 mm to 380 mm, a resolution of 10 µm, and ability to measure three gage lengths on the same specimen simultaneously
- An ARAMIS 3D Digital Image Correlation (DIC) and Point-Tracking System with two 12 megapixel cameras capable of 25 Hz frame rate at full resolution, a measuring range from 700 mm to 2,000 mm suitable for both material and structural tests, dual blue LED illumination lights, a stable sensor stand, GOM testing controller with 8-channel data logger, and full suite of ARAMIS Professional Live Software Package for image processing and data extraction.
In addition, the following devices are available for a variety of measurements:
- A potentiostat/galvanostat/ZRA, Gamry E1000, for electrochemical testing of metals for corrosion.
- A half-cell potential device, Giatec XCell, to measure the corrosion potential of metals embedded in concrete.
- A half-cell potential device, Giatec XCell, to measure the corrosion potential of metals embedded in concrete.
- A surface electrical resistivity measurement device, Giatec SURF, for rapid assessment of concrete to chloride attack.