Shake table
A 3 DOF shake table is available with a payload capacity of 10,000 lbs. The shake table can simulate both horizontal components of earthquakes in addition to rotational motions. The table dimensions are 6 ft by 6 ft and motions up to 1.5 g acceleration and 60 Hz can be simulated.
- Maximum displacements of ±5 inches, ±5.19 inches along x and y directions, and maximum rotation of ±7 degrees about z direction.
- Maximum velocity of ±40 inch/sec along x and y directions, and maximum rotational velocity of ±50 degrees/sec about z direction.
- Maximum acceleration of ±1.5 g along x and y directions, and maximum rotational acceleration of ±1500 degree/sec2 about z direction.
- Frequency range of 0-60 Hz.